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Types Of Puncture Repair Tyre & Their Pros and Cons

Types Of Puncture Repair Tyre & Their Pros and Cons

There are three types of puncture repair tyres commonly used around the globe for tubeless tyres.

1.   Internal Repair Using a Patch

Once the hole is punctured tyre is identified, and the same is covered by an adhesive patch from inside.

Hence these patches on tyres are adhesive, and certain factors like moisture & heat reduce their life and are less reliable when compared to Minicombi repairs.

2.   Internal Repair Using Minicombi (Plug)

This method is done by sealing and inserting the puncture hole using a Minicombi from inside to outside. This plug is easily sealed using rubber-friendly sealants and other similar materials. Hence this puncture repair tyre is considered the most reliable. Minicombi repairs are also known as mushroom repairs.

3.   External Repair Using a Tyre String

External puncture repair is done using a tyre string inserted into the puncture hole from the outside. As compared to other repairs, the string repair has a very short life as they are not sealed. Because it is inserted externally, it’s unsure whether any debris is left inside the puncture hole or the string is inserted into the exact puncture home which in the future can cause damage to the tyre.

At WeFixCar, we only use the Minicombi repair which is only recommended by the manufacturer.

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